Pitch Competition

CANBRIDGE Pitch Competitions are an opportunity for entreprenures both inside & outside of Canada to practice their 1-minute business pitch and receive feedback from peers and industry professionals, while experiencing pitching to investors and potential early adopters.

The Bigger Pitch Competition is on the way...

Why apply?

Canbrige’s Pitch Competition is a unique opportunity for global start-ups that want to immigrate and grow their
businesses in Canada to pitch their business to Canadian Designated Organizations that can support them under the Start-Up Visa Program.

Exposure. Exposure. Exposure.
Getting a Letter of Support from Designated Organizations under the Start-Up Visa Program can be a daunting task. Canbridge facilitates this process for qualified start-ups by bringing them in front of not just one, but many competitive  Designated Organizations at once.


The final round of the competition will be held in two categories:

  • Early-Stage Start-ups
    • To be eligible for this category, the product or service idea must not yet be in the market (pre-launch)
  • Later-Stage Start-ups
    • To be eligible for this category, the start-up must show traction from the market

In addition to category-specific eligibility criteria, ALL start-ups must:

  • Have teams with at least two co-founders and a maximum of five co-founders
  • Must be owned (= 50% or more) by non-Canadian citizens or permanent residents
  • Must have the intention of immigrating to Canada and growing the business in Canada


Qualifying Round
Pivot Round
Final Round

1. Submit a 3-minute video pitch that must include:

  • Name of Startup
  • Problem being addressed
  • Proposed solution
  • Competitive advantage
  • Market analysis
  • The team
  • History (validation, traction, market share, etc.)

2. Submit the Canbridge questionnaire

3. One page business canvas

Canbridge will invite the top 30 start-ups from the qualifying round to the pivoting round. In this round the start-ups will have access to XY+ hours of educational/instructional recorded material delivered by industry experts, mentors, coaches, and …

Using these materials, these start-ups shall submit the following:

  • A maximum 1,500 words submission or a 6 minutes video explaining how the start-up can grow and scale in Canada.
  • A new and improved 3-minute video pitch that must include all points from the previous round + Plan for Canada

The start-ups admitted to this stage will also benefit from a 60 minutes feedback session on their draft submissions with a Canbridge mentor before making their final submissions.

  • 10 Finalists will receive formal invitations from Canbridge to pitch live in the Final Round.
  • These Finalists will have a chance to have 30 minutes with WILL to practice and perfect their pitch for the live pitch. This is sponsored  by XYZ 
  • In this round, the Finalists will be granted seven (7) minutes to present their company and attempt to convince the members of the panel. Every pitch will be followed by two (3) minutes of Q&A conducted by the Panel.
  • There are separate panels / judges for the different categories, the different Semi-finals and the Grand Finale. More sponsors and DO’s to get involved.
  • Judging Criteria 

Time to receive the awards and get your journey started!




People's choice



Qualifying Round Judges

Judge name

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Judge name

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Judge name

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Judge name

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Pivoting Round Judges

Judge name

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Judge name

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Stay tuned for the big day!